SUPREME   COUNCIL  of   Humanity

Life’s purpose is life with purpose...

   Supreme Council
of Humanity

General Provisions

USE Supreme Council
Board Members -
Aristocrats of the Earth-XXI only

Full Members of the Council:


  1. Nicholas Hagger (United Kingdom) - Chairman - WPF Vice President, responsible for the USE creation, Special envoy to the UNITED NATIONS organisation, Philosopher, prominent writer & poet - Profile
  2. Ban Ki-moon - ex-Secretary-General of the United Nations - Honorable Chairman - Profile. His priorities have been to mobilize the Humanity around a set of new global challenges, from climate change and economic upheaval to pandemics and increasing pressures involving food, energy and water.
  3. António Guterres - Secretary-General of the United Nations - Honorable Chairman - Profile. He is determined to make human dignity the core of his work, and to serve as a peace broker, a bridge-builder and a promoter of reform and innovation.
  4. Irina Bokova - UNESCO Director-General - Honorable Co-Chairman - Profile. She is a leading advocate for ensuring quality education for all and scientific cooperation for sustainable development.
  5. Prof. Federico Mayor Zaragoza - Deputy Chairman - ex-UNESCO Director-General (1987 - 1999) - Profile. He is the Chairman of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace and member of the Honorary Board of the International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World as well as the Honorary Chairman of the Académie de la Paix, scientist, scholar, politician, diplomat, and poet.
  6. Dr. Igor I. Kondrashin - Secretary-General of the SCH - WPF President & Founder, philosopher, the International GUSI Peace Prize Recipient, WPF Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY Rector - Profile. The author of Universal ideology "Transuniversalism", "Universal Constitution of Earth" and "Universal SOCIALIZATION of the Humanity through uniform civic education" Program.
  7. Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger - Pope emeritus Benedict XVI - Profile. The Pope called for the “construction of a world community, with a corresponding authority,” to serve the “common good of the human family”.
  8. Kofi Annan - the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations - Profile. He advocates for primacy of dialogue, tolerance and reconciliation as instruments for building and preserving peace within communities and between countries, giving respect for the rule of law and human rights as the foundations of good governance and democratic accountability.
  9. Bill Gates - philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor - Profile. He provided his perspective on a range of issues, such as climate change, his charitable activities, various tech companies and identifies innovation as the "real driver of progress".
  10. Elon Reeve Musk - business magnate, investor, engineer, and inventor - Profile. His vision is to change the world and humanity. His goals include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the "risk of human extinction" by "making life multiplanetary" by establishing a human colony on Mars.
  11. Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, prominent thinker - Profile. He is specialized on universal unified and uniform education and global ethics.
  12. Prof. Timi Ecimovic - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF University Rector, Professor and chair of Environmental Sciences at Ansted University, Slovenia, - Profile. He is specialized on sustainable development and bioethics.
  13. Ricaardoe Di Done - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, president-fondateur of the Organization for Protection of Children's Rights (O.P.C.R.) Coordinator for North American countries, WPF Canadian National branch Head - Profile. He is specialized on youth development.
  14. Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos - WPF Honorary President, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, Greece - Profile. He is specialized on global aesthetics.
  15. Prof. Evgenij Kutovoy - Ambassador at large, PhD in History, professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy - Profile. He is specialized on global governance.
  16. Dato Omar Haji Ahmad Laksamanac - philosopher, WPF Malaysian National branch Head, Dato’ and Prime Old Man (Prime Advisor) for Gual Periok Foundation, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Profile. He is specialized on Islam ideology.
  17. Prof. Jeffrey Levett - International Health and a member of the Executive Board, European Center for Peace and Development, United Nations University for Peace, WPF Board Member.
  18. John P. Moustos - WPF Financial Advisor, Earth Bank establishment promoter - Profile. He is specialized on global finance.



Supreme Council's functioning Committees

SCH Committee
on confronting Dementia and its consequeces

SCH Committee
on War Crimes
SCH Committee
on Earth Environment Protection

Supreme Council's assisting Committees

of SCH Experts
of SCH Advisers
of SCH Assistants



    Supreme Council today's top priorities in current activity:

  1. Expansion of the unified and uniform Civic education all over the Earth

  2. Confronting Dementia and its consequences

  3. Fostering of Global citizenship and formation of the Universal State of Earth

  4. Staffing of the SCH Board and Committees with appropriate members

  5. To urge Humanity to keep in mind and follow Universal Declarations


of Earth

of Humanity

The second historical Earth
summit meeting

- Athens, Greece
- October 4 - 5, 2017

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We invite you to join the above activity and contact:

the Supreme Council
World Philosophical Forum

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