- Achim Steiner - Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Profile. He specializes in development economics, regional planning, international development and environment policy.
- Gro Harlem Brundtland - international leader in sustainable development and public health - Profile. She served three terms as Norway's Prime Minister, as Vice-President of Socialist International, as the Director General of the UN World Health Organization and is now a Special Envoy on Climate Change for the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.
- Dr. Margaret Chan - the Director-General of the World Health Organization - Profile. Her main principle - Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
- Dr. Avtandil V. Mikaberidze - WPF Secretary-General, Director of the Georgian Institute at Athens, Vice President of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece - Profile
- John Moustos – Banking Management & Services, Head of UN Global citizenship education financial supporting program
- Prof. Glen T. Martin - PhD, Professor of Philosophy of Radford University, President of World Constitution and Parliament Assoc., the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, President of Institute on World Problems - Profile. His main ideas: "One World Renaissance: The New Transformative Holism and Our Global Social Contract" explore the immense transformative potential of the new scientific, philosophical, spiritual, and psychological holism that is sweeping the world.
- Dr. S.A.R.P.V Chaturvedi - Managing Trustee of Sri Ramanuja Mission Trustee, India, Chief Mentor and Vice Chairman of Jawaharlal Nehru Institute for Advanced Research, Distinguished Professor of Center for Religion, Peace and International Relations, Distinguished Professor of Scool of Law, Hyderabad, Chaiman of Association for Inter-Faith Dialogue and Action, Hyderabad, Distinguished Professor of Pedagogy and Educational Reforms, Hon. Director of the Center for Environment and Climate Change; Hyderabad - Profile
- Prof. Klaus Schwab - Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum - Profile. Committed to improving the state of the world through economics.
- Prof. Dermot Moran - President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP), Professor of Philosophy
in UCD School of Philosophy of University College Dublin
- Andrew Copson - President of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) - Profile. Committed to be the sole global umbrella organisation embracing Humanist, atheist, rationalist, secularist, skeptic, laique, ethical cultural, freethought and similar organisations worldwide.
- Prof. Valerij Kuvakin - Professor of Philosophy at Moscow State Lomonosov University, Russia, the President of the Russian humanist society - Profile
- Albani Shariff Ibrahim - thinker, WPF Philippine branch Head, Special WPF envoy, responsible for communication
with the Organization of the Islamic conference - Profile. He is specialized on Islamic culture.
- Irma Villarroel – WPF Coordinator for Latin American countries, WPF Venezuelan National branch Head - Profile
- Nikolas Bougiouris – Dr. of Economics and Business Administration, UN Global citizenship education program organizing support
- Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - Professor of Zayed University in Dubai, WPF Coordinator
for North & Central European countries - Profile
- Prof. Stepan Sulakshin - expert in global policy, economy and managment
- Vasile Datcu (Rumania) - prominent thinker & writer, Romania, WPF Romanian National branch Head
- Prof. Alexander Maslikhin - Professor of Dept. of Philosophy of Mari State University, Russia, WPF Russian regional Volga branch Head
- Prof. Adelino Cattani - Professor of Department of "Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata", University of Padua
- Prof Dr. Devarakonda Swaminadhan - President of Jawahariai Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies, India