SUPREME   COUNCIL  of   Humanity

Life’s purpose is life with purpose...

SCH General Provisions



According to the Universal CONSTITUTION of Earth the Supreme (supranational, suprareligious) Council of the Humanity (SCH) including its Committees of top rank experts and advisers on various question and contents is the highest USE body for solution of current universal problems on the Earth and determination of further development of the Humanity.

Thus, SCH main function – to specify the most important or dangerous universal current or coming problems or challanges to the Humanity and to find the most reasonable solutions to stop or avoid them.

Another SCH important function - to determine the most efficient and useful ways of security, prosperity and further progress of the Humanity as a whole.

By its functions SCH in the first stage of its activity will have common features of the UN Security Council, USA Senate and UK House of Lords.

Social status of inicial group of SCH functionaries – top Earth-XXI Aristocrats - best out of the best thinkers of the Earth: former heads of international organizations, ex-Presidents, ex-Prime-Ministers, etc.

SCH work shall be defined by its Charter, which will be worked out and approved by the Earth Constitutional updating Council in due time.

Finally, the Supreme (supranational, suprareligious) Council of the Humanity (SCH) will be the top intellectual power on the Earth consisting of the most prominent, practically top rank representatives of the Humanity regarding reason, wisdom, morality, justice and global responsibility, showing the most developed consciousness and self-consciousness. Therefore all of them in fact can be considered with sure as the "Conscience of the planet". All of them should be in reality this kind of human beings.

At the same time it is necessary always to remember Plato's principle recommendation for such cases that on the top of state governance there should be always a philosopher or philosophically thinking people, as only this kind of people can take the most reasonable decisions. And namely this kind of people should be in the SCH, who from the very beginning would start thinking and take reasonable decisions on current problems and future development of the Humanity as a whole, and its future generations.

The SCH, as USE top administrative organ, takes final decisions on solution of most grave current problems and challenges that Humanity faces as well as final recommendations for other USE organs in ameliorating of global statistics figures.

The SCH each year approves final texts and amendments to the three very important for all-Humanity documents, fixing certain general figure parameters on economical, demographical, educational and environmental issues, namely:

1) Yearly “Plan of USE activity” for the next year.
2) Strategic plan of “General development of Humanity and Earth’s biosphere” for the next 5 years, targeting better figures of the global statistics.
3) “USE Medium-term Strategy of Humanity and Earth’s biosphere development” for the next 10 years.

The SCH also supervises “USE Long-term Strategy on development of Humanity, Earth surface, flora and fauna for next 10 - 25 years”, mentioning goals in improved figures of the global statistics.

In some very urgent important cases for Humanity existence, survival or stability the SCH may issue special alarming SCH decrees or Declarations, which shall be obligatory for fulfillment in the whole territory of the planet.

All SCH decrees and declarations shall not contradict to the Articles of the present Universal Earth Constitution and later be formally approved by the Earth Parliament and executed by the Earth Government.

The Earth Constitutional updating Council and the SCH Secretariat are also incorporated in SCH, as well as the Central USE General Statistic bureau, which is also subordinated directly to the SCH.


of Earth

We invite Earth public organizations to cooperation and contact:

the Supreme Council
World Philosophical Forum

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