- Nicholas Hagger (United Kingdom) - Citiz. ID No.096 - Constitutional Convention Chairman - WPF Vice President, responsible for the USE creation, Special envoy to the UNITED NATIONS organisation, Philosopher, prominent writer & poet - Profile
- Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.004, Aristoc. ID No.004 - HONORARY Chairman - WPF Honorary President, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, Greece - Profile
- Irina Bokova (International) - Citiz. ID No.002, Aristoc. ID No.002 - HONORARY Co-Chairman - UNESCO Director-General - Profile
- Dr. Igor I. Kondrashin (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.005, Aristoc. ID No.005 - Vice Chairman - WPF President, Founder & CEO, Classical philosopher, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY Rector - Profile
- Prof. Timi Ecimovic (Slovenia) - Citiz. ID No.016, Aristoc. ID No.011 - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF University Rector, Professor and chair of Environmental Sciences at Ansted University, Slovenia, Coordinator for South & Central European countries, WPF Slovenian National branch Head - Profile
- Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco (Lima, Peru, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.014, Aristoc. ID No.010 - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, prominent thinker,WPF Peruvian National branch Head - Profile
- Ricaardoe Di Done (Quebec, Canada, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.017, Aristoc. ID No.012 - WPF Vice President, the International
GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, president-fondateur of the Organization for Protection of Children's Rights (O.P.C.R.)
Coordinator for North American countries, WPF Canadian National branch Head - Profile
- Prof. Paris Katsivelos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.025, Aristoc. ID No.028 - WPF Vice President, responsible for Culture development & Intercultural dialogue, Actor, Professor of Dramatic Art - Profile
- Dr. Steven Vogazianos-Roy (Great Britain) - Citiz. ID No.013 - WPF Vice President & Socratic philosophical SCHOOL director, Historian-Ethnologist, Athens University graduate, a permanent Member of the Glasgow University General Council, WPF Athens city branch Head, Vice President of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece - Profile
- Prof.Dr. Raoul Weiler (Belgium) - Citiz. ID No.063 - member of Board of Trustees of World Academy of Art & Science, Club of Rome European Chapter CoR-EU, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Profile
- Dr. Avtandil V. Mikaberidze (Georgia) - Citiz. ID No.009, Aristoc. ID No.028 - WPF Secretary-General, Director of the Georgian Institute at Athens, Vice President of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece - Profile
- Dato Omar Haji Ahmad Laksamanac (Malaysia, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.070 - philosopher, WPF Malaysian National branch Head, Dato’ and Prime Old Man (Prime Advisor) for Gual Periok Foundation, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Profile. He is specialized on Islam ideology.
- Prof. Albani Shariff Ibrahim (Phillipines, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.074 - WPF Philippine National branch Head, special envoy to O.I.C. - Profile
- Junyan He (China) - Citiz. ID No.060 - Lawer, WPF Special Envoy to South-East Asian countries
- Irma Villarroel (Venezuela) - Citiz. ID No.026 - poet and artist, WPF Coordinator for Latin American countries, WPF Venezuelan National branch Head - Profile
- Prof. Alexander Maslikhin (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.038 - professor of Dept. of Philosophy of Mari State University, Russia, WPF Russian regional Volga branch Head
- Prof. Philippos Nicolopoulos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.084 - PhD, Dr. of sociology, political scientist, Lawyer, Associate professor and Legal counselor at the University of Indianapolis, Greece - Profile
- Nikolas Bougiouris (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.097 - Tourism Management & Services, UN Global citizenship education program organizing support
- Prof. Jeffrey Levett (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.102 - Public Health Management and International Health
- John Moustos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.100 - Banking Management & Services, Head of UN Global citizenship education financial supporting program
- Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland) - Citiz. ID No.098 - Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland), WPF Coordinator for North & Central European countries, Lazarski University in Warsaw and Zayed University in Dubai, political philosopher - Profile
- Aikaterini Kagaraki (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.099 - Citiz. ID No.023 - Political scientist, jurist, writer, social activist
- Prof. Adelino Cattani (Italy, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.021 - Professor of Department of "Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata", University of Padua
- Ashok Kumar Reka (India) - Citiz. ID No.099 - thinker, Yoga ideas promoter, UN Global citizenship education program supporter
- Maria Retali (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.086 - WPF Facebook moderator, UN Global citizenship education program supporter, political and social activist
- Ioannis Galanis (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.0103 - Tourism Management & Services, UN Global citizenship education program organizing support
- Nina Diakovasili (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.087 - President of Club for UNESCO of arts, literature and science of Greece
- Elena Peppa (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.0104 - Tourism Services and public relations, social activist
- Prof. Maria Rosenko (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.0101 - doctor of sciences in public administration of Moscow State University
- Prof. Elias Tsonis (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.085 - professor Emeritus, philologist, international communication
- Motasem Takla (Syria) - Citiz. ID No.029 - legal consulting, photographing, UN Global citizenship education program supporter
- Others - not registered as Earth-XXI Citizens inhabitants of the planet.