Universal STATE

Historical Earth-XXI
Constitutional Convention
Greece, Athens - October 6 - 7, 2015

Constitutional Convention participants -
Aristocrats & Citizens of the Earth-XXI


  1. Nicholas Hagger (United Kingdom) - Citiz. ID No.096 - Constitutional Convention Chairman - WPF Vice President, responsible for the USE creation, Special envoy to the UNITED NATIONS organisation, Philosopher, prominent writer & poet - Profile
  2. Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.004, Aristoc. ID No.004 - HONORARY Chairman - WPF Honorary President, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, Greece - Profile
  3. Irina Bokova (International) - Citiz. ID No.002, Aristoc. ID No.002 - HONORARY Co-Chairman - UNESCO Director-General - Profile
  4. Dr. Igor I. Kondrashin (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.005, Aristoc. ID No.005 - Vice Chairman - WPF President, Founder & CEO, Classical philosopher, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY Rector - Profile
  5. Prof. Timi Ecimovic (Slovenia) - Citiz. ID No.016, Aristoc. ID No.011 - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, WPF University Rector, Professor and chair of Environmental Sciences at Ansted University, Slovenia, Coordinator for South & Central European countries, WPF Slovenian National branch Head - Profile
  6. Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco (Lima, Peru, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.014, Aristoc. ID No.010 - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, prominent thinker,WPF Peruvian National branch Head - Profile
  7. Ricaardoe Di Done (Quebec, Canada, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.017, Aristoc. ID No.012 - WPF Vice President, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, president-fondateur of the Organization for Protection of Children's Rights (O.P.C.R.) Coordinator for North American countries, WPF Canadian National branch Head - Profile
  8. Prof. Paris Katsivelos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.025, Aristoc. ID No.028 - WPF Vice President, responsible for Culture development & Intercultural dialogue, Actor, Professor of Dramatic Art - Profile
  9. Dr. Steven Vogazianos-Roy (Great Britain) - Citiz. ID No.013 - WPF Vice President & Socratic philosophical SCHOOL director, Historian-Ethnologist, Athens University graduate, a permanent Member of the Glasgow University General Council, WPF Athens city branch Head, Vice President of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece - Profile
  10. Prof.Dr. Raoul Weiler (Belgium) - Citiz. ID No.063 - member of Board of Trustees of World Academy of Art & Science, Club of Rome European Chapter CoR-EU, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Profile
  11. Dr. Avtandil V. Mikaberidze (Georgia) - Citiz. ID No.009, Aristoc. ID No.028 - WPF Secretary-General, Director of the Georgian Institute at Athens, Vice President of the UNESCO Club of arts, literature and sciences of Greece - Profile
  12. Dato Omar Haji Ahmad Laksamanac (Malaysia, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.070 - philosopher, WPF Malaysian National branch Head, Dato’ and Prime Old Man (Prime Advisor) for Gual Periok Foundation, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Profile. He is specialized on Islam ideology.
  13. Prof. Albani Shariff Ibrahim (Phillipines, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.074 - WPF Philippine National branch Head, special envoy to O.I.C. - Profile
  14. Junyan He (China) - Citiz. ID No.060 - Lawer, WPF Special Envoy to South-East Asian countries
  15. Irma Villarroel (Venezuela) - Citiz. ID No.026 - poet and artist, WPF Coordinator for Latin American countries, WPF Venezuelan National branch Head - Profile
  16. Prof. Alexander Maslikhin (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.038 - professor of Dept. of Philosophy of Mari State University, Russia, WPF Russian regional Volga branch Head
  17. Prof. Philippos Nicolopoulos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.084 - PhD, Dr. of sociology, political scientist, Lawyer, Associate professor and Legal counselor at the University of Indianapolis, Greece - Profile
  18. Nikolas Bougiouris (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.097 - Tourism Management & Services, UN Global citizenship education program organizing support
  19. Prof. Jeffrey Levett (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.102 - Public Health Management and International Health
  20. John Moustos (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.100 - Banking Management & Services, Head of UN Global citizenship education financial supporting program
  21. Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland) - Citiz. ID No.098 - Prof. W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz (Poland), WPF Coordinator for North & Central European countries, Lazarski University in Warsaw and Zayed University in Dubai, political philosopher - Profile
  22. Aikaterini Kagaraki (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.099 - Citiz. ID No.023 - Political scientist, jurist, writer, social activist
  23. Prof. Adelino Cattani (Italy, on-line) - Citiz. ID No.021 - Professor of Department of "Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata", University of Padua
  24. Ashok Kumar Reka (India) - Citiz. ID No.099 - thinker, Yoga ideas promoter, UN Global citizenship education program supporter
  25. Maria Retali (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.086 - WPF Facebook moderator, UN Global citizenship education program supporter, political and social activist
  26. Ioannis Galanis (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.0103 - Tourism Management & Services, UN Global citizenship education program organizing support
  27. Nina Diakovasili (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.087 - President of Club for UNESCO of arts, literature and science of Greece
  28. Elena Peppa (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.0104 - Tourism Services and public relations, social activist
  29. Prof. Maria Rosenko (Russia) - Citiz. ID No.0101 - doctor of sciences in public administration of Moscow State University
  30. Prof. Elias Tsonis (Greece) - Citiz. ID No.085 - professor Emeritus, philologist, international communication
  31. Motasem Takla (Syria) - Citiz. ID No.029 - legal consulting, photographing, UN Global citizenship education program supporter
  32. Others - not registered as Earth-XXI Citizens inhabitants of the planet.


The Declaration is signed !

is approved !



    Constitutional Convention Program

  1. Approval of the text of the "Universal Constitution of Earth" and signing of the "Declaration"

  2. Formation of the initial membership of the "Supreme Council of Humanity"


Universal Earth Constitution

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to USE Supreme Council
of Humanity

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