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WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM (WPF) project and supervision

Reason, Morality, Justice and Responsibility (including Global Responsibility) are the fundamental values in the USE, but not money, power or property...

What should be universal (common, unified, uniform) in the USE

Territory & environment

The whole planet EARTH

For all the Humanity without borders


Global - Earth-XXI

Incorporate all civically educated Earth inhabitants in the age of over 18

Civic Education & knowledge

Lifelong, unified

For all Earth inhabitants

Language of intercommunication

International English

Among all the Humanity in addition to their native language


Universal supreme Law

For all planet Earth



For all the Humanity


According to the Earth Constitution

(best out of the best)


According to the Earth Constitution

All over the planet


According to the Earth Constitution

All over the planet

Morality, Justice, Responsibility

Unified and common for the whole planet EARTH

Adopted by all the Humanity

List of Values and Vices

Unified and common for the whole planet Earth

Adopted by all the Humanity

List of Human & Civil Duties and Rights

Unified and common for the whole planet Earth

Adopted by all the Humanity

Reason, consciousness, intelligence

To be used on the whole planet Earth

Adopted by all the Humanity


Earthman (earthling), tellurian

To be used on the whole planet Earth



To be used on the whole planet Earth

Personal constructive activity and deeds for the common good

Obligatory for all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Culture of social behavior

To be used on the whole planet Earth

Adopted by all the Humanity

Regulation and coordination in different spheres

Economic, legal, informational, scientific, military, cultural, environmental, educational, political, social

All over the planet Earth

Statistics and mass media

True, informative

All over the planet Earth


What diversity (differences, varieties, variability) will stay in the USE

Gender, temper & race characters

In accordance with the Universal Laws of Nature

All over the planet Earth

Age & health condition

In accordance with the Universal Laws of Nature

All over the planet

Professional education & profession

Lifelong, unified, developing - useful for humans and environment

For all Earth inhabitants

World-view, belief, faith, religion and opinions

Personal for all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Cultural traditions & way of life

Personal for all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Place of birth, residence & lifestyle

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for natural reasons

All over the planet Earth

Conscience & intellect

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for natural reasons

All over the planet Earth

Climate & weather

For natural reasons

All over the planet Earth

Clothes & rituals

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for various reasons

All over the planet Earth

Status ranks & relationship

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for individual reasons

All over the planet Earth

Social positions & well-being

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for individual reasons

All over the planet Earth

Individual abilities and talents

Personal for all Earth inhabitants for individual reasons

All over the planet Earth


What sould be eliminated (destroyed, abolished, revoked) in the USE for ever

Wars, all kind of military clashes, murder

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Destruction, debris and negative impact on the environment

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Corruption, thievery, cheating, bribery

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Double standards, lies, falsehood

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Avidity, greed, money-grabbing, aspiration for immense wealth

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Capture of hostages and another's property (corporate raid), abuse of power

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Obscurantism, fascism, extremism, militarism

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Gangsterism, terrorism, extortion

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Drug addiction, alcoholism, seduce children (pedophilia)

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Ignorance, illiteracy, stupidity

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Rudeness, vulgarity, anger

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth

Irresponsibility, immorality, parasitism, injustice

For all Earth inhabitants

All over the planet Earth


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