"Best philosophical ideas educate, consolidate and unite Humanity"


The Executive Board


  1. Dr. Igor I. Kondrashin - WPF President & CEO, Philosopher, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate, Chairman of the WPF Steering Scientific Committee, Rector of the Aristotelian Philosophical ACADEMY, WPF Russian National branch Head - Russia - Profile - ( E-mail - )
  2. Prof. Evanghelos A. Moutsopoulos - HONORARY PRESIDENT, Professor of Philosophy, the Member of the Athens Academy of Sciences - Greece - Rector of the Socratic Philosophical SCHOOL in Athens, WPF Greek National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - )
  3. Dr. Avtandil Mikaberidze - WPF General Secretary, WPF Georgian National branch Head - Georgia - Profile ( E-mail - )
  4. Prof. Fidel Julian Gutierrez Vivanco - Vice President, responsible for Global (Earth-XXI) citizenship WPF Program, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Peru - WPF Peruvian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - )
  5. Prof. Timi Ecimovic - Vice President, responsible for Global (Earth-XXI) citizenship WPF educational Program, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Rector of the WORLD PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM UNIVERSITY - Slovenia - Professor and chair of Environmental Sciences at Ansted University, Coordinator for South & Central European countries, WPF Slovenian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - )
  6. Ricaardoe Di Done - Vice President, responsible for Global (Earth-XXI) youth upbringing programs, the International GUSI Peace Prize Laureate - Quebec, Canada - president fondateur of the Organization for Protection of Children's Rights (O.P.C.R.) Coordinator for North American countries, WPF Canadian National branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - )
  7. Nicholas Hagger - Vice President, responsible for the USE creation, Special envoy to the UNITED NATIONS organisation - United Kingdom - Acting Chaiman of the USE SUPREME COUNCIL of HUMANITY, Philosopher, prominant writer & poet - Profile ( E-mail - )
  8. Dr. Steven Vogazianos-Roy - Vice President, responsible for the Universal State of Earth Constitutional Program - Great Britain - director of the Socratic philosophical SCHOOL, a permanent Member of the Glasgow University General Council, WPF Athens city branch Head - Profile ( E-mail - )
  9. Prof. Paris Katsivelos - Vice President, responsible for Culture development & Intercultural dialogue - Greece - Actor, Professor of Dramatic Art, Cultural Events Advisor - Profile ( E-mail - )
  10. Prof. Alexander N. Chumakov - Vice President, responsible for globalistic studies & activities - Russia - Chair and professor at a number of Moscow Universities, Vice President of the Russian Philosophical Society - Profile ( E-mail - )
  11. Elias Demirtzoglou - Vice President, responsible for Universal Sociolization - Greece - Profile ( E-mail - )
  12. John Moustos - WPF economic group Head - Greece - ( E-mail - )


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